
Apr 26, 2011

Can we get along?
During our middle school years my neighborhood friends and I would walk to the mall and mess around on the Apple computers at JC Penney's. Yes, JC Penney's used to sell Apple computers in the 80's. Anyway, we'd play the mine-sweep game or chess until the Penney's employees would kick us out. When we were in high school one of my friends got a Mac II from his parents. We would all gather in his room and huddle around him the as he played games or typed out his name in interesting fonts and colors. I don't think I would be too far off by saying that at the time, he was the only person in the neighborhood who had a computer. I remember I was impressed with the interface of the Mac. It seemed so much more advanced than the black-screened IBM that we worked on at school. There was something about this computer that impressed me. The name 'Macintosh' and the rainbow Apple logo was embedded in my memory. At that point I had no idea that I would eventually pursue a career that would require working on a Mac.

Over twenty years and many Macs later, I am still a Mac user. At this point I've worked on a variety of Apple computers and I've watched as the OS, the interface, and the design of the computers evolved into what they are today. To name a few, I've worked on a Performa, a Mac Clone (by Power Computing), many versions of the PowerMac, a G3, several versions of the G4, a first generation iMac, a third generation iMac, two Powerbook G4s, and a MacBook. I am currently using a MacBook Pro 17". I have worked on PCs (we actually have one at home) but I always come back to the Mac. It's what I grew up on. It's what I am familiar with. It's what I prefer.

After all of these years of being a Mac user I've never been a diehard fan. What I mean is, I've never thought that the Mac was the 'only way to go' for a computer. I have never 'dissed' anyone for being a PC user. But I have been berated and belittled by PC users for working on a Mac; and I've watched many an argument between Mac and PC diehards as they verbally abuse each other's choice of computer. In my opinion these arguments are a waste of time. It's like the football fan who goes to blows with a fan of the opposing team. Why? Or the car window decals with Calvin, from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, urinating on the logo of a rival automobile manufacturer. What does this accomplish? Why the need for an outward expression of such hatred over a preference?

The data of a recent survey of Mac vs. PC users has caused a stir in the computer world. So much so that when CNN wrote an article about the survey, harsh words were exchanged between Mac and PC users on the CNN website. Then the author of the article wrote another short article addressing this unexpected reaction.

In the words of Rodney King - "Can we get along?"

Here is the survey:
Mac vs. PC: A Hunch Rematch
Our latest data project was to analyze how self-described Mac and PC people are different. The infographic below, designed by the talented folks at Column Five Media, breaks it down. Keep reading after the Infographic for more background and analysis, including some comparisons to findings from 18 months ago when we first looked at this issue.

Here are the articles:
Mac vs. PC: The stereotypes may be true
By Brandon Griggs, CNN
April 22, 2011

Mac, PC users bash each other over survey results
By Brandon Griggs, CNN
April 25, 2011


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