
Feb 1, 2012

It's February? Already? Really?

Moses chillin' in his basket.

So the first month of the new year has already flown by. Where did it go? I was taken by surprise this morning when I realized it was February 1st. My pile of 'stuff to read' and my list of 'things to do' are still sitting there; actually, I think they've grown. But, a better indication that time if flying by is when I look at my children. They're all growing so fast and each of them are growing in their own way. I sometimes feel like there isn't enough time to properly equip them before they are adults. I feel like the time is getting away from me and they will not be ready to face this world of darkness.

Today I heard a great episode of the Focus On The Family Daily Broadcast. The guest speaker, Gary Thomas, talked about parenting as a form of worship. It is an inspiring and encouraging message for parents with children of all ages. I heard Part 2, but plan on listening Part 1 soon. Click the links below to hear them.

We have a limited amount of time to teach and influence our children. If you have young children, don't let this time get away from you. Be intentional in raising them in God's ways, putting them on His path; and don't forget to pray for them daily.

Related Links:

Embracing God's Design for Parenting (Part 1 of 2)
Focus on the Family Broadcast, 01/31/12

Embracing God's Design for Parenting (Part 2 of 2)
Focus on the Family Broadcast, 02/01/12


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