
Feb 13, 2012

Matthew 5:11

From time to time I will receive emails with words of encouragement or heartfelt exhortations. As they pray for me, believing friends and family will send Scripture passages that they feel led to share.

A second ago, someone sent this passage to me...

"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, 
and persecute you, 
and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, 
for my sake." 

That was the whole email, Matthew 5:11.

I wonder what they heard now. On second thought, I don't care. Just keep praying for me folks. I need it and I greatly appreciate it.

Hands to the plow...



Michael Mock said...

Maybe they thought someone was persecuting you for your beliefs...

pastorgonzo said...

Yes, Michael, I'm sure that's what it is. The thing that bugs me is that this attack against me is more than likely coming from within our own 'denomination' of Messianic Congregations here in Metro Denver. And this would not be the first time. As soon as we launched this church, about 3 years ago, we've been attacked, slandered, maligned and lied about over and over again by these folks. I guess our success will prove all of the 'prophetic words' that they have spoken about us to be false. These folks are bent on watching us fail and I think they want to participate in our demise. But all the time and effort that they have put toward crushing us should be put toward building the Kingdom of God. Anyway...

I could go on but I know they can catch my drift. They monitor my blog and the church website on a regular basis. Crazy stuff.

Thanks Michael.

Have a good week!

Michael Mock said...

I, um, wow. I had no idea. But yes, that sounds like a profound waste of people's time and effort. Good luck.

pastorgonzo said...

Oh geez. I just found out why this word of encouragement was sent to me. I'm not going to comment on it, but it's just like I thought. More drama...