
Jan 13, 2012

The Stock Show, A Multigenerational Experience

Cattle on display at the North Western Stock Show.
Cattle on display at the North Western Stock Show.

The Stock Show was a yearly highlight for me as a child growing up in Fort Worth, Texas. Since we were city-folk and never got out to the country to actually see livestock, the Stock Show was our chance to see (and smell) God’s creation up close. Since we’ve been in Colorado, we’ve tried to go to the National Western Stock Show every year. It’s fun and it can be inexpensive if you plan for it. Since we’ve been homeschooling our children, we’ve tossed around the idea of gathering like minded families to join us on our yearly visit to the cattle yards. This year we made it official. We registered as a homeschool group, gathered some friends, and went for a trip to the Stock Show.

After our guided tour of the Stock Show grounds, my friend, Duane, made a comment that resonated with me. He noticed that the farm families included every family member in caring for their livestock. Everyone had a job; everyone had a responsibility. The farm family life is a good example of the mentor-apprentice model of education. But for farm families, it's more than just a model of education, it's a way of life. This thought brought me back to our faith and the responsibility we have in making our faith a lifestyle and our children our apprentices or disciples. In the same way that it was obvious that these families were indeed farm families, our lives should reflect the fact that we are indeed followers of Yeshua HaMashiach; and making disciples is an indication that we are one of His followers.

If you are a Believer in Yeshua, who are your disciples?

Related Links:
Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo
National Western Stock Show
What is a Cowboy?
Future Farmers of America
4-H Youth Development Organization


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