
Sep 17, 2011

Restoring The Hearts Of The Fathers To Their Children

I was speaking with an acquaintance this past week who said to me, "I would consider visiting your congregation but, you see, I don't like children." This was probably one of the saddest, most appalling statements that I've ever heard from a believer in Yeshua. Unfortunately, this is the reality of how many senior adults feel about children. They'd rather not be around germ-infested rug rats. They don't want to hear the disturbing cry of an infant or see a snot-nosed toddler throwing a fit. They will put a pro-life bumper sticker on their car, but they want nothing to do with children at all. They don't understand that these are the sites, the sounds, and yes, the smells of life! Children are our hope. Children are our future. If we don't have children, we will have no future.

As I considered the comment made by this person -- and believe me, all week long I have not been able to get these words out of my mind -- I came to the conclusion that this individual has not been educated correctly in the faith. We, as believers in Messiah Yeshua, are all called to a multigenerational faith. We, as a people, are commanded to pass His Torah along to the next generation. One generation to the next; one collective group to the next. Whether you have children or not, this is a command to the community. Seniors who don't have young children should be teaching the younger generations; helping the young parents, sharing experiences with the young adults. This is what Paul teaches us in Titus 2; older teach the younger, younger learn from the older.

I believe that today, there is a move of the Ruach in the body of Messiah; a move back to a multigenerational faith. It started with the homeschool movement. Now, homeschooling parents are beginning to wonder, "Why am I homeschooling my children all week long but when we go to church, I put them in an age-segregated school?" Parents are beginning to open their eyes, God is moving in their hearts. Could this be the beginning of what was prophesied by Malachi? Are the hearts of the fathers being restored to their children? I believe more and more church leaders are realizing this movement of God. Earlier this year, a prominent leader in the Messianic Community of the Metro Denver area told me, "What you are doing is the right thing to do. I can't change what we are doing with our children because we've been doing if for so long. It's already established; but if I could do it all over again, I would keep the children in the service with the adults."

Then children were brought to him
that he might lay his hands on them and pray.
The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said,
"Let the little children come to me
and do not hinder them,
for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."
And he laid his hands on them and went away.
- Matthew 19:13-15 (ESV)

Related Links:

Some churches cancel Sunday school, put parents in charge
By Adelle M. Banks, September 14, 2011

D6 Conference
September 21-23, 2011
Dallas, TX

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