
Aug 2, 2011

L'Dor Vador, It's Happening!

Last night before we began family devotions my oldest son, Isaac (8), asked me what festival was coming up next and when it would be. I stopped short of answering him, sat back and said, "I don't know, you guys tell me." With very little help from Margaret and I, the children were able to collectively determine the upcoming fall festivals; each of them contributing details. I was very, very impressed. Of course Michaela (13) and Maya (11) provided the majority of the information, but the others contributed as well. Isaac remembered that Elul began the Season of Repentance that culminated with Yom Kippur. Miryam (6), my youngest daughter, explained that on Yom Kippur the Great Judge (Yeshua) would separate who was His and who was not His; who would be with Him and who would not be. I was amazed at how much they knew and more importantly, how much they understood. I woke up this morning encouraged, knowing in my heart that what we have been doing for our children is really having an impact on their lives. I can see the fruit.

This past Shabbat, Isaac was publicly immersed in Messiah; a major milestone in his young life. We see Hashem working in his heart and we hear him speak of Hashem working in his life. It is clear to us that this young boy has given his life to Messiah. He had his first communion this past Sunday at Erev Rosh Chodesh service in the park. He knelt next to me and prayed silently before eating the matzah and drinking the juice. I am very proud of my son; I am proud of all my children. Although we see the Ruach moving in their lives, we know we cannot stop here. Margaret and I have determined to more diligently teach our children the ways of Hashem through Bible study, devotions, and in our daily lives. I think we are doing a pretty good job, but it can be better! We purpose to step it up a notch.

Below is the theme song for our community and for our family. It's called L'dor Vador which means 'From Generation To Generation.' As we were preparing for Chanukah back in 2009, Michaela and I were listening to Chanukah music and singing along to some CD's. As we sang along to this song, I remember being overwhelmed by the lyrics and moved to tears. This song expresses the heart of our vision for FRMC and the desire we have for our children to carry the Torah to the next generation. Since then, we've sung this song at each festival celebration. I hope you enjoy it.

L’dor Vador / From Generation To Generation
Words and Music © 2007 Josh Nelson Music (BMI)

We are gifts and we are blessings, we are history in song
We are hope and we are healing, we are learning to be strong
We are words and we are stories, we are pictures of the past
We are carriers of wisdom, not the first and not the last

L’dor vador nagid godlecha
(From generation to generation, we will tell of Your greatness)
L’dor vador… we protect this chain
From generation to generation
L’dor vador, these lips will praise Your name

Looking back on the journey that we carry in our heart
From the shadow of the mountain to the waters that would part
We are blessed and we are holy, we are children of Your way
And the words that bring us meaning, we will have the strength to say

L’dor vador nagid godlecha
(From generation to generation, we will tell of Your greatness)
L’dor vador… we protect this chain
From generation to generation
L’dor vador, these lips will praise Your name


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