
Nov 9, 2011

Gearing Up For Chanukah

Chanukah 2010
Michaela (12), Aaron (4), Miryam (6), Isaac (8),  Maya (10)

It seems like the Moedim ended just yesterday and now Chanukah is right around the corner. It will be here before we know it. Time goes by so fast nowadays. I can’t believe we’ve been walking in Torah for 11 years now. My oldest is now 13 years old. We began our Torah journey when she was two. My children only know and remember a Torah lifestyle. Baruch Hashem. You could say that we are pioneers in our family. We are starting a new way of life and set of traditions for our children. Can we pull it off?

All of the ‘adult’ Israelites that Adonai brought out of Egypt, died in the wilderness. They never saw the Promised Land because of their sin. Their children, however, who came out of Egypt and those born in the wilderness, were able to enter the Promised Land with Joshua. However, once Joshua and this generation died, the next generation fell away from Adonai. The Scriptures say that they “did not know the LORD or the work that He had done for Israel.” (Judges 2:10) How could they not know Adonai or His work? Because they did not witness the wonders that Adonai did in Egypt or in the wilderness; and their parents must not have taught them.

This fact inspires me to continue to diligently teach our children about Adonai and His Son, Yeshua. I pray that our children walk in His ways all of the days of their lives. I pray that they continue these traditions and pass them along to their children and their children’s children. We’ve been given a multigenerational faith. We’ve got to live it if we are going to pass it on and keep it alive.

“For I have chosen him,
that he may command his children and his household after him
to keep the way of the LORD
by doing righteousness and justice…”
- Genesis 18:19 (ESV)


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