
Jul 13, 2010

Not trying to be a wet blanket, I'm just saying…

After reading an email from famed Messianic Music and Lyric Forensic Investigator, Ryan McCarthy, I wrote the following post...

What if I took a contemporary secular song with a catchy dance beat and swapped the lyrics with words that contained Scriptures and an overall positive message about God? Would you dance to it? Does it sound horribly blasphemous and wrong to even ask this question?

What if I told you that a popular 'Jewish' dance song that we all know, love and dance to is actually a cover of a popular Turkish song? And, the lyrics of this song contain Turkish proverbs and erotic innuendos that describe a man's frustration and infatuation with a seductress? Would you still dance to it?

The Turkish song is called Simarik, which means Spoiled. Here are the translated lyrics:
Arm in arm with another man
She's driving me crazy
Blowing bubbles with her gum
Bursting them boldly

Maybe that's why I'm hooked on you
Because I couldn't master you
Can a man take more, you spoiled thing?
Is the world changing?

She's lined her eyes with mascara
Lips bright red she shakes her [rear]
And shamelessly she faces me
Grinning sassily just to spite me

We weren't raised this way
Made fools in front of everyone
New customs come and old ways go
Boys we're done

You minx, you vamp
You sweet-talking tramp
My fate my big nuisance
If I catch you I'll… (kiss kiss)

I'm at your mercy sexy lady
I'm in a bad way sexy lady
I'm under your spell sexy lady
Oh my
Rather racy lyrics, wouldn't you say? In my opinion, these lyrics describe what can potentially happen to the young man who falls into the snare of the Proverbs 7 adulterous woman. This is not the kind of song that should be in our iPods.

Now, what if these risqué lyrics were removed from this song and then replaced with lyrics that said the following:
All those who bring joy to the groom and the bride merit the five voices.
It is a great mitzvah to be happy always!
Knowing what the original lyrics said, would you dance to this song if the lyrics were changed and made more 'godly'?

Are you wondering which popular 'Jewish' dance song I'm referring to?

Here is a link to a video of the 1997 song Simarik performed by Turkish pop singer, Tarkan. If you've been in the Messianic camp for more than a year, I'm sure this song will sound familiar to you… Click Here

By the way; the popular 'Jewish' dance song that I am referring to was released in 2000.
Listen to a sample: Click Here

Again, I'm not trying to be a wet blanket, I'm just saying…

Do the original lyrics of secular songs render the music off-limits to the Torah Observant Believer in Messiah Yeshua?

What do you think?

 - mdg


1 comment:

Cristina Beltran said...

no, I would not listen to it again, It was not Holy Spirit given more like copied, and only Satan works like , I dont want anything from him attaching itself to me, is hard enough to fight our flesh daily..something to think about specialy earthly many songs are being played as Christian songs now days like Cyndi Lauper song Time after Time...when did she get saved.....or how does it glorify a wet blanket Michael. Remember we should be watchmen on the wall....Get wet with the River of Life....Blessings my dear you.