
Jun 26, 2012

My Experience in High Places

The Flatirons in Boulder, Colorado

Soon after I began my walk in the Torah I started a new job in Boulder at an up and coming graphic design firm. Working in Boulder was exciting for me because when we first moved to Colorado from Texas, Boulder was our original destination; but once we arrived, we found out how expensive it was to live there so we ended up in Westminster.

Driving to Boulder every morning was breathtaking. When I didn't take the bus I would drive through the backroads so I could see the morning sun shining on the Flatirons. I'd often pull over just to gaze at the mountains. During my lunch break I would walk up and down the Pearl Street mall and visit the eclectic shops or I'd stroll through the nearby neighborhoods and enjoy the scenery.

I found out that a Messianic Judaica shop, called High Places, had relocated from Estes Park to Boulder. When I found out where it was located, I would sometimes walk to it on my lunch break and eat my lunch as I browsed. One of the store owners, Elizabeth, would point me to books and music that she thought I would like. She was a kind lady. I would talk to her about the Messianic Movement and the Torah. I often encouraged her to consider making a website for their store; at the time there were very little Judaica shops online, not to mention Messianic ones. Unfortunately, the store didn't stay open very long. I remember driving up one day to find the store closed down. I would later run into Elizabeth at various Messianic events in the area. At one event I found out that her son, Toby, had recently joined FFOZ. I didn't have any interaction with Elizabeth after that, but when I think about my Boulder experience, she is part of it.

Elizabeth passed away last Wednesday. Yesterday I took a half-day off to attended her memorial service in Loveland. It was interesting to see the variety of folks there, Messianic and Christian believers, paying their respects to this godly woman who touched their lives. I was encouraged and moved by Toby's beautiful tribute to his mother. I was also encouraged to see the ways of God passed on from one generation to the next. Elizabeth's legacy will live on in her son's life and the lives of her grandchildren.


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