
Jun 15, 2011

CHEC Conference 2011

Ah yeah - Doug Phillips, RC Sproul Jr and Kevin Swanson are speaking at this years CHEC Conference. I can't make it to all three days, but I think I will go tomorrow; and this is my plan of attack...

8:30-9:45 (General Session)

Doug Phillips

Toxic: Seven Poisons Which Threaten

The Health Of The Home School Movement—And Their Antidotes

The homeschool movement was birthed out of a principled desire to return education to its biblical foundation. But dangerous influences have emerged which threaten to undermine the coherence, purity and significance of the homeschool vision. In this session, your eyes will be opened to seven of the most insidious poisons being absorbed into the heart of home education and offer solutions necessary to restore health


Kevin Swanson

Homeschooling—Capturing The Vision

What is it about home education that has profoundly re-energized education and produced such outstanding academic results? Here, Kevin presents the basic elements that make up an outstanding homeschooling experience for your child. This message will give the first-time homeschooler confidence and vision, and help provide encouragement and a reality check for the experienced home educator.


Doug Phillips

The Family Table

As families have become disconnected, the centrality of the family table has been neglected. Scripturally, the table is defined as a place of peace, discipleship, hospitality, and cultural transformation. Christ communed with His disciples around a table, and for lasting reformation to occur in our time, families must likewise embrace mealtime as an opportunity to fellowship with one another and glorify God.


R.C. Sproul, Jr.


Not a day passes without our faith and our convictions being assaulted. Whether it is worldly influences seeking to destroy the foundation we stand upon, or influences from within the Christian world seeking to undermine the direction of our families, the attacks and discouragement are real. Perseverance is of utmost importance if we are to stand our ground and forge ahead in the tasks given to us.


Kevin Swanson

Entertainment And Your Family

There are biblical principles for entertainment, and in this workshop, Kevin Swanson will measure the relative benefits or drawbacks of cottoncandy novels (e.g. Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew), historical adventures (e.g. G.A. Henty), “classic” novels, 19th century Victorian fare, the fantasy genre, Walt Disney motion pictures, television (from Andy Griffith to 24), recorded music, and radio drama


Doug Phillips

A Homeschool Vision Of Victory

Home education is a God-ordained means of accomplishing His purposes in the home, the hearts of young people, and in society as a whole. Doug will discuss the historical significance of the homeschool movement, the true objectives of home education, and the importance of a multi-generational vision of victory
Man, there are so many more sessions that I'd like to attend. My plan may change when I get there.


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