
May 8, 2012

Are You Growing Spiritually?

Sheaves of Wheat in a Field, 1885
Vincent van Gogh (1853 - 1890)

It's been exactly one month since my last post. Lame, I know, but it's been busy around here. After Passover, everything seemed to pick up—park celebrations, Yom HaShoah, March of Remembrance, a birth in the community, Brit Milah, warmer weather, fixing bicycles, going for walks, yard work, other miscellaneous life events and then Sunday night was Pesach Sheni. In the midst of all the busy-ness we’ve been trying to keep track of the days as we count the Omer leading up to Shavuot. During the past 31-days we’ve been examining our hearts and our relationship with God.

Did you know that there are different theories on how to break and/or start a habit, whether good or bad? During this season of reflecting on our spiritual growth, I’ve challenged our community to use this time to break bad habits and start good ones. An example of a bad habit is watching too much television or movies, especially the inappropriate ones. What about spending too much time on facebook? These bad habits are horrible time wasters and in families, they can get in the way of spending time with each other and hinder the development of stronger familial relationships. But, when considering starting a good habit, focus on the ‘spiritual’ ones like praying and spending time in the Word. While positive ‘physical’ habits—like eating healthier or making better vocabulary choices—are good practices to have; let’s keep in mind that this season is about our spiritual growth. Let's use this time to focus on the strengthening of our spiritual life and our relationship with God.

FREE Download: Counting of the Omer Chart (PDF, 133 kb)
